Bins, baskets, and binders.
As we work with clients of different personalities, ages and life-stages, we see all kinds of organization attempts. Often our clients have bought all kinds of organization products that don't really solve their issues, but the cute packaging sold them a product they don't need.
We don't believe in One Size Fits All. It doesn't work in clothing and it sure doesn't work when you're trying to get and stay organized! We organize to fit our client's lifestyle and preferences. We don't all have unlimited space and budgets so we work hard to fit your needs.
The title of this post came from our experiences organizing offices. Some people like using bins or trays to organize mail. Some like a catch-all basket. We've even helped clients set up all their bills & to-dos in a binder system, because that was what ended up working for the client! Sometimes we try a system and it just doesn't work for the client. So we try something else. The key is to clearly communicate to your organizer what you've tried in the past, what hasn't worked, and what you want to see happen in your space or processes. That allows him/her to customize their suggestions. If you have a big family who rarely spends time at home, our organization plan will be very different from the plan we create for a couple without children or pets. Our free consultation helps us determine your needs so we can customize a plan. Call or email us today to set up a walk-through, either in-person (local guidelines permitting) or virtually.